
Rijkswaterstaat (RWS) is the executive agency of the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management, dedicated to promoting safety, mobility, and quality of life. RWS safeguards the Netherlands against flooding, facilitates safe transportation, and maintains access to green spaces, clean water, and drinking water for all inhabitants. 

RWS has a weath of experience in the following EU programs: Interreg, Horizons, LIFE, CEF, and EMFF. Within ResiRiver, RWS is the lead partner and conducts 3 pilots on mainstreaming of Nature-based Solutions (NbS). These are:

  1. Sediment Nourishment Meuse
  2. Nature-based Solutions Gelderse Poort (PAGW)
  3. Ecological Habitat Restoration in the Rhine Meuse estuary

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